Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mariah Christine

So I have this baby who is six months old and she is super cute. Her name is Mariah and I have never blogged her birth story, which is kind of funny since I love and anticipate reading other blogging mamas birth stories. So here is how it went down. 

I tried to get my labour going for like three weeks before she came. I get as big as a house and it was becoming quite difficult for me to take care of my other children. I ate a whole lot of pineapple and jumped on the trampoline, got a foot/leg massage along many other things. Finally, three days before her due date she came! I woke up at 4:00AM with a sharp contraction. They only happened about every 7 minutes, but they were consistant and painful. So I showered and woke Anthony up and we were on our way to the hospital by 5:00AM. I checked in and got into the monitoring room around 6ish. (My times are fuzzy. I promise I still love her even though she is my third and I don't take good notes.) I was on the monitor for like thirty minutes before they decided to check me. I tolerate pain fairly well and at this point they were looking to send me home. My contractions were still 7 minutes apart if that. Well I was at EIGHT! My doctor came in and broke my water and took me to my room. I got to walk around for a bit and then I laid down and I was like a 10 minus a little tiny bit. That little tiny bit was the worst. When I was a full ten I only had to push for like 5 minutes and she was out. 

Moral of the story: Third children are a total blessing. haha. Honestly though. Lydia took three whold hours to push out. Mariah was only five! 

Her hair! How is this my child!?

The kids love her every minute of everyday. I cannot imagine life without her. So in love. :) 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Year End :)

This past year has definitely been a good one for the Burdett Family. We started off the year in Cochrane and we are ending it in Orton. Lydia and Brigham have grown so much in the past twelve months. We saw Brigham get his first eye surgery done and found out he will need another. He and all things high are not friends. Haha. He falls off of something at least twice daily. I am hoping this next surgery will help him and his depth perception.

Lydia is just a little cutie. She has an amazing vocabulary (or at least I think so) and she is understanding a whole lot these days. She sings to herself and she has a great imagination. She love to play pretend. Brigham follows right along flapping his arms like a bird or roaring like a lion. Lydia has been learning a little bit of sign and can sign her name.

Brigham has just started to really babble and loves to say grandpa and bubbles and pee! He can copy most things we say now, but I think his favourite word to say these days is yummy! Everytime he sees candy or his favourite foods he repeats yummy and points his arm towards whatever it is he wants to eat. And boy, can that kid eat! He was off of all kinds of milk around 11 months old. It made his tummy upset and I was slightly overjoyed since I didn't want to have to wean him off of any kind of food or drink. He drinks water like a champ. If ever he is slightly unhappy, I just give him water and he is happy as can be.

Another thing Brigham loves are his stuffed animals. Or anything soft for that matter. He just snuggles right in. Lydia loves little babies. She is so kind and gentle whenever she sees ones and just likes to comment on how cute they are. Lydia is excellent at giving compliments as well. Anytime Kayla brings a friend over, she just has to comment on their earrings, shoes, hair, shirt, you name it! She also adores being with the girls. She likes to hang out in Kayla's room while they get ready for whatever the day holds. Lydia actually has invited me into her own room to talk at times. I think it makes her feel special and grown up. haha.

This Christmas we stayed over at my parents house in Lethbridge. My kids quite enjoyed that, and Lydia especially liked having Uncle Brad to play with. She was also pretty excited to talk to her Uncle Jeff on Skype, but when it came down to it, she was just a little too shy to even show her face.

Lydia is really enjoying her presents she got for Christmas including puzzles, a baby doll, chocolate and a play castle. The castle was also for Brigham too! He has mostly enjoyed the food of the season and reading his new books. Oh and he has loved loved loved his soft oversized stuffies. :) So cute.

One of my favourite parts of the Christmas holidays was getting to see our new little one at our ultrasound and finding out that we are having another little girl! We are due May 15th and if she follows suit and comes early, we should get to meet her sometime before Mothers day :)

Here I am at 21 weeks.

And here are some pictures of my cute kids :) Ignore the big scabs on their faces. haha

Way too excited for a stuffed animal. haha

Friday, December 5, 2014

Renovation Overload

These past few months have been so busy out here in Orton. Here are some projects that we have been working on. These first pictures are from August/September when we were converting the upstairs laundry room into another bedroom for Brigham. Now there are three bedrooms upstairs and two downstairs. Anthony installed two new windows into the bedroom.

Lydia really enjoys being involved and helping her daddy. 

This is the Family room/TV room downstairs. we took out the click laminate flooring to get rid of the weird squishiness that was under it. It turns out the old carpet was left underneath and it got wet at some point. It stunk so bad!! We scraped up the old carpet and ended up taking out the wall between the room and the wasted space at the bottom of the stairs. I am hoping that we will be able to utilize the space there and make it a more open room. I hate the idea of a TV or a computer in a closed room, so opening this room up will put my parent mind at ease when it comes to kids and TV/computer use.

Kim and her kids helped us take the wall down! 

This project was one that Anthony really wanted done. As you can see there have been a few different windows on this wall before. They are all framed in differently. Before we put our big window in there were two small windows. It was a bit difficult to watch kids playing out front since window space was limited. Now I can do dishes and watch my kids outside! It is really nice. 

We ended up putting in a second light on the other side of the window because when we took the old windows out, there was a wire running in between them! It was an old wire too so we had to hook it up to something since Anthony didn't want to go up into the attic to see where it came from. fair enough. The slope of the roof on this house leaves very little attic space.

This last project here is one that Anthony really loved doing, but had nothing to actually do with our house. We got a dog and in preparation, Anthony built a dog/playhouse. that way when it is cold out, our kids can go play with the dog and still be warm. There are heat lamps in there to keep our little puppy warm. Yes, we live on a acreage and our dog lives outside.


 There is our little Luna! the kids and the dog are quite pleased with Anthony's handiwork. 

We managed to solve the heat problem in our house...Well, my dad did. haha. One day our house wouldn't get warmer than about 17 degrees. I was freezing! We built a blanket fort and stayed inside to keep warm. The furnace was running all day long and nothing. I texted my dad to complain and the first thing he asked was when I last replaced the furnace filter. Um, I had been meaning to since we moved in, but I hadn't done it yet. I took out the furnace filter and seriously, five minutes later, we were at 21 degrees. I bought a little furnace filter that lets a lot more air through and we have been nice and toasty ever since. 

Well that is pretty well it for the exciting renovations that we have done thus far. We are still doing little things a bit at a time. It is difficult to get anything done right now seeing as school just ended for Anthony and he has four exams to study for. Little by little we will get things done. :)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Take a look

Catch up time! The past couple have months have been really busy for us, but I thought I should share some of what we have been up to. August led us to a wedding in Utah for one of Anthony's cousins. It was a lot of fun for us to go down and spend time with family. Lydia really loved seeing the temple. All she wanted to do was to go and see it. When we went for the family dinner at the Joseph Smith Memorial building, you could see the temple through the window. When they closed the curtains to show a slideshow Lydia had a little meltdown because she couldn't see the temple.  I hope she can carry that focus with her throughout her life.  

August also brought us to Orton where we are living now. We are in Anthony's parents old house and we are living in and fixing up it up. Orton is only 8-10 minutes from Fort Macleod and 25-30 minutes away from Lethbridge. Not too bad as far as location goes, but who knows where we will actually end up.

I know last time I blogged I gave the impression that Brighams eyes were completely fixed. They seemed to be for a while but since then they have moved. His left eye is still a little crossed at times but he has been learning how to control his eyes and how he has to look at me to see a clear image. I think his brain is starting to figure it out. We have another appointment in December to see if a secondary surgery will be necessary. So in pictures and in real life, the way you can tell if his eyes are straight is by looking at the light in his eyes. It should be in the exact same spot in both eyes when he is looking straight at you. Lots of times he will turn his head to make it easier for him to look straight. He hasn't been doing his patching because I just can't reason with a one year old. He can take them off and if it is on he will just cry, so it doesn't really help. Here are some pictures so you can see what I am talking about.

BP's for his first birthday!

At a joint birthday party for Brigham and Kadence

He loves all things food.

 Having all this space out here in Orton is awesome. We have developed a love for slingshot paintball. Because it is slingshot, getting hit doesn't hurt as much, but they also don't always break. And sometimes when you don't wear a full face mask, you get hit in the mouth. It tastes worse than it hurts. Trust me.

 Since we are a lot closer to family, Lydia and Brigham get to spend a lot more time with their cousins. So fun!

Lydia has started to fall asleep in strange places....

 ...and when she wakes up, she has the most lovely hair. 

I asked Anthony to put the kids in the bath tub the other day. this is what happened... haha

We also got to see the LCI vs Cardston football game this past weekend. It was an awesome game. 

  We have also done a lot of renovating but I will save those pictures for another post later on. Hopefully not too much later. :)